マルティナ・ケンドラー 個展「transforming landscapes」

  • 美術
形 態
  • 展覧会
Art Spot Korinでは、2024年8月27日(火)よりミュンヘン在住の作家マルティナ・ケンドラー(Martina Kaendler)による個展を開催いたします。


“transition”シリーズでは、風景を不可逆的に変えるプロセスが発生する山と氷河に焦点を当てています。変容の発端は、しばしば隠されています。氷の塊の中に亀裂や細流が形成され、川のように全体に広がります。それらは表面下で全体を貫通し、突然大規模な事象を引き起こし、驚きとして可視化されます。 暗闇は、隠されたものを象徴しています。

ビデオ”can a landscape”は、地形に対する取り返しのつかない人間の影響を別の角度から問いかけています。これは東京から青森までの電車の旅で撮影されたもので、カメラは東を向いています。言葉と場面の曖昧さが何層にもわたって展開し、現代の問題についての議論を促し、社会・政治・自然の多様な相互依存関係について私たちの立場を再考する場を提供します。

transforming landscapes
In her artistic practice, Martina Kaendler pursues photographic, sculptural and performative approaches. In her photographic series, she examines assertions and transformations of perception, constellations of light and dark, space and illusionism. With models as artificial spaces, and with their scaling, she constantly expands her exploration of architecture and landscapes.

In the series “transition” the focus is on mountains and glaciers, where processes take place that irreversibly change the landscape. The roots of these transformation are often concealed. Cracks, rivulets, which widen into rivers, form within the ice masses. Under the surface they perforate the whole and lead to massive abrupt events that become visible as a surprise.
Darkness symbolizes that which is hidden.

The video “can a landscape” questions the irrevocable human influence on topographies from a different angle. It was taken on a train ride from Tokyo to Aomori, the camera facing east. The ambiguity of the words and scenes unfolds in many layers and opens up the discussion on contemporary issues, offering space to rethink our position on the diverse interdependencies of society, politics and nature.

Martina Kaendler マルティナ・ケンドラー

Selected Exhibitions
2024 | Arbeitsaufenthalt Künstlerhaus Lukas | Ahrenshoop
2024 | transition | Kunstwand Halle E | HP8 Gasteig München
2023 | TANDEM 05 | Martina Kändler und Susanne Pittroff | HP8 Gasteig München
2023 | medusa plastica | installation | ADAPTER_The Fake Green Grass Of Home | kultur.lokal.fuerth | Fuerth
2022 | CROSSLINK | HP8 KünsterInnen in der Halle E | HP8 Gasteig München
2022 | SIPHONE | light and sound installation | Martina Kändler and Regine Elbers | Das KloHäuschen
2022 | Arbeitsaufenthalt Künstlerhaus Lukas | Ahrenshoop
2022 | can a landscape | video | 3.11 – Dialogue with Fukushima | Toki Gallery | Tokyo
2021 | digital cyanometer | interactive website | Trolls in the Park | Zenpukuji Park | Tokyo
2020 | silent spectacle | KloHäuschen | KH-Kunsthalle Munich
2020 | Dynamisches Objekt | performance | Neues Kunsthaus | Ahrenshoop
2020 | kinetic light object in miniature scale | KloHäuschen Biennale | KH-Kunsthalle Munich
2020 | walk in the park | photography | C.A.R. Talente | contemporary art ruhr | Zeche Zollverein Essen
2020 | NEW year SAME desire | Künstlerhaus Andreasstadl | Regensburg
2019 | silent spectacle | Nishi Ogikubo | Tokyo
2019 | ZU GAST | Künstlerhaus Andreasstadl | Regensburg
2019 | work in progress | sculpturespace Utica | New York
2018 | topology | video installation and photography | S.Y.P. art space | Tokyo
2018 | out of the blue | Shibaura House | Tokyo
2018 | international art week | Kristinestad | Finnland
2017 | siebensachen & goldraum | photography | C.A.R. Talente | contemporary art ruhr | Zeche Zollverein Essen
2017 | portal art fair | photography | New York City
2017 | rheology | Photography and video installation | Mixed Media Residency Exhibition | Con Artist Collective | New York City
2017 | grey space | photography | C.A.R. Talente | contemporary art ruhr | Zeche Zollverein Essen
2016 | Plateau | laser installation | Herrenberg | light art festival “ascents“ cultural region Stuttgart Germany
2016 | Vertex | permanent light installation in the public space of Herrenberg | light art festival “ascents“ cultural region Stuttgart Germany
2016 | lumino 1/9 | installation with kinetic light objects, video, and photography | exhibition hall of the academy of arts Nuremberg
2016 | 123 | video installation in public space | projection on the facade of the Norishalle Nuremberg
2016 | Basis ><1 | video installation | anniversery of the town twinning of Nuremberg and Krakow, gallery Dom Norymbersky Krakow Poland
2016 | Food | group exhibition with students from Krakow and Nuremberg | gallery Edel Extra Nuremberg
2015 | light cube | laser installation | Blaue Nacht 2015 (art competition within the long night of museums) Nuremberg | 2. audience award
2015 | DISCO | group exhibition | gallery of the academy of arts Nuremberg
2015 | Was wollt ihr eigentlich von mir? (What do you actually want from me?) | video installation within the group exhibition | art society amberg
2014 | Agonist | video installation | exhibition series “NimmZwei“ (take two) | gallery Ecke Augsburg
2014 | light box | installation with kinetic light objects | Kunst in der Kartause | chapter house of the monastery Aggsbach near Vienna
2014 | why photography matters | curated by Prof. Lars Blunck | exhibition with publication at the academy of arts Nuremberg
2014 | Die Maschine (the maschine) | performative room installation | group project at the academy of arts Nuremberg | funded by the Rotary Collection
2014 | Obszar Jasności | Martina Kändler and Maria Pyrlik | photography and installation | gallery Dom Norymbersky Krakow
2013 | in between spaces | laser installation | Blaue Nacht 2013 (art competition within the long night of museums) Nuremberg | 1. audience award
2012 | Intensivstation (intensive care unit) | video installation | art society Kohlenhof Nuremberg
2012 | Die 10 größten Enttäuschungen (The 10 biggest disappontments) | performance | Blaue Nacht (long night of museums) Nuremberg
2012 | Aus heiterem Himmel (out of the blue) | light installation | investigation of the colour of the sky | academy of arts Nuremberg
2012 | Streitfeld offen | video installation | art society Streitfeldstraße 33, München
2012 | Rampe_Ausstellungslabor 11 (ramp_exhibitionlaboratory 11) | laser installation | exhibition hall of the academy of arts Nuremberg
2012 | /Prospekt/ Vorhang auf… ( /prospect/ curtain raise…) Neues Museum (state museum for Art and Design) Nuremberg
2011 | Voll Schwanger (totally pregnant) video installation | group project at the academy of arts Nuremberg | Smurfit Kappa art prize
2011 | Dinge, die nie gezeigt werden dürfen (things that must never be shown) | photography | gallery of the academy of arts Nuremberg


2024年8月27日(火)~ 2024年9月1日(日)
Art Spot Korin

◎京阪電車 三条駅下車、出口② 徒歩3分。
◎京阪電車 祇園四条駅下車、出口⑦ 徒歩8分。
◎市バス 『三条京阪』 徒歩5分

